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5.1 字符和字符串


本章重点讲述Java中几个主要的跟字符相关的数据结构类型:字符、字符串(String类)、字符串缓冲类(StringBuffer类)、字符串分解类(StringTokenizer类)和正则表达式(Regular Expression)。深入了解Java已经提供的这些强大字符串数据结构可以使编写文本处理程序更加简单迅速。


&        字符串的定义和使用

&        字符串缓冲区的使用

&        字符串分解类的使用,对复杂文本进行分解

&        正则表达式的使用

5.1  字符和字符串

字符是一种通用数据类型,是用单引号括起来的一个字符,如'a''A'。在本书第2章已经介绍过了字符,跟字符密切相关的通用数据类型是字符串。字符串常量是用双引号括起来的一串字符,比如"Hello World!\n"。在Java中,字符串常量是作为String类的一个特定的对象来处理的,而不是一个数据,下面就来介绍String类的使用方法。

5.1.1  String类的构造函数


String greeting = "Hello";


String greeting = new String("Hello");



char[] bunch = {'H','e','l','l','o'};

String greeting = new String(bunch);


5.1.2  字符串比较

比较两个字符串内容是否一样,可以使用String类提供的equals( )equalsIgnoreCase( )两个方法。equals测试两个字符串是否含有相同的字符,equalsIgnoreCase则是忽略字符串中的大小写(Case)来比较两个字符串的。如果内容一致,这两个方法返回true;内容不同,则返回值为false。需要注意的是:在Java早期的版本中,“==”运算符只能用来测试两个字符串是否是相同的字符串实例,而在新的JDK版本中,“==”运算符和equals的效果是一样的。

如果要比较两个字符串的大小关系,即它们按字母序排列的时候谁将排在前面,String类提供了一个compareTo( )方法,它的函数原型如下:

public int compareTo(String str);



//~ CompareString.java

public class CompareString {

    public CompareString(){}

    public static void main(String[] args)


        String strA = "AppleTree";

        String strB = "appleTREE";

        String strC = "AppleTree";

        if (strA == strB) {

            System.out.println(strA + " & " + strB +" are the same.");


        else {

            System.out.println(strA + " & " + strB +" are not the same.");


        if (strA == strC) {

            System.out.println(strA + " & " + strC +" are the same.");


        else {

            System.out.println(strA + " & " + strC +" are not the same.");


        if (strA.equals(strB)) {

            System.out.println(strA + " is equals to " + strB);


        else {

            System.out.println(strA + " is not equals to " + strB);


        if (strA.equals(strC)) {

            System.out.println(strA + " is equals to " + strC);


        else {

            System.out.println(strA + " is not equals to " + strC);


        if (strA.equalsIgnoreCase(strB)) {

            System.out.println(strA + "&" + strB + " are the same(nocase).");


        else {

            System.out.println(strA + "&" + strB + " are not the same(nocase).");





AppleTree & appleTREE are not the same.

AppleTree & AppleTree are the same.

AppleTree is not equals to appleTREE

AppleTree is equals to AppleTree

AppleTree&appleTREE are the same(nocase).

5.1.3  hashCode( )方法

String类提供一个hashCode( )方法,返回int类型的哈希值,其计算公式如下:

hashcode = s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + + s[n-1]



public class TestHashCode {

    public TestHashCode() {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str = "abc";

        int code = str.hashCode();

        System.out.println("the String " + str + " hash code is " + code);




the String abc hash code is 96354

equals( )hashCode( )这两个函数都是Object类的方法,用于判断对象是否相等。一般来说,如果忽略了其中一种,则必须同时忽略这两种,因为两者之间有必须维持的至关重要的关系。特殊情况是:根据equals( )方法判断,如果两个对象是相等的,则它们必须有相同的hashCode( )值(尽管这通常不是真的)。

5.1.4  定位字符和子串

要查找某个字符或者子字符串在一个字符串中的位置,Java提供的方法是indexOf( ),这个方法有以下8种重载形式。

public int indexOf(int ch);


public int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex);


public int lastIndexOf(int ch);


public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) ;


public int indexOf(String str);


public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex);


public int lastIndexOf(String str);


public int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex);




public class TestIndex {

    public TestIndex() {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String s = "ssabcdefgabcklabcstabcxyz";

        String subs = "abc";

        System.out.println("the first 'a' is at " + s.indexOf('a'));

        System.out.println("the last 'a' is at " + s.lastIndexOf('a'));

        System.out.println("the first 'a' after 10 is at "

                + s.indexOf('a',10));

        System.out.println("the last 'a' before 10 is at "

                + s.lastIndexOf('a',10));

        System.out.println("the first abc is at " + s.indexOf(subs));

        System.out.println("the last abc is at " + s.lastIndexOf(subs));

        System.out.println("the first abc after 10 is at "

                + s.indexOf(subs,10));

        System.out.println("the last abc before 10 is at "

                + s.lastIndexOf(subs,10));




the first 'a' is at 2

the last 'a' is at 19

the first 'a' after 10 is at 14

the last 'a' before 10 is at 9

the first abc is at 2

the last abc is at 19

the first abc after 10 is at 14

the last abc before 10 is at 9

5.1.5  抽取子串

String类提供了抽取子字符串的方法substring( ),它有以下两种形式:

public String substring(int beginIndex);

返回从beginIndex到字符串结束的子串。这里beginIndex的取值范围应该在区间[0, n]内;如果越界,返回值为空字符串。

public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex);

返回beginIndexendIndex之间的子串。这里beginIndexendIndex的取值范围也应该在区间[0, n]内,且beginIndex<=endIndex;如果不满足,返回值为空字符串。



public class TestSubstring {

    public TestSubstring() {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str = "This is an apple";

        System.out.println("the substring after 11 is " + str.substring(11));

        System.out.println("the substring between 8&10 is "

            + str.substring(8,10));




the substring after 11 is apple

the substring between 8&10 is an

5.1.6  字符串修改


5.1.7  String类的其他方法


public int length();


public char charAt(int i);


public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)


String类还有一系列的valueOf( )方法,将其他类型的变量转化为字符串并返回。



//~ TestExtraString.java

public class TestExtraString {

    public TestExtraString() {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str = "This is an apple.";

        int slen = str.length();

        System.out.println("The length of " + str + " is " + slen);


        for(int i = 0; i < slen; i++) {

            System.out.println("No. " + i + " char is: " + str.charAt(i));



        System.out.println("Change a to b: " + str.replace('a', 'b'));


        double d = 3.141529;

        String dstr = String.valueOf(d);

        System.out.println("the double's String is " + dstr);





The length of This is an apple. is 17

No. 0 char is: T

No. 1 char is: h

No. 2 char is: i

No. 3 char is: s

No. 4 char is:

No. 5 char is: i

No. 6 char is: s

No. 7 char is:

No. 8 char is: a

No. 9 char is: n

No. 10 char is:

No. 11 char is: a

No. 12 char is: p

No. 13 char is: p

No. 14 char is: l

No. 15 char is: e

No. 16 char is: .

Change a to b: This is bn bpple.

the double's String is 3.141529